Instagram Algorithm Updates
Instagram Algorithm Updates Let’s talk about the ever-changing Instagram algorithm. Our Lead Social Consultant, Krissy, is always getting questions directly related to this, so she’s breaking it down for us today. As of September 2023, here’s what you need to know. Take notes! While Instagram rolls out new features and updates, one thing remains […]
THREADS You may have heard people talking about Threads on Instagram and you may have even downloaded it for yourself. Don’t want to be left behind of course! Here’s what our Lead Social Consultant, Krissy Bodnovich, has to say about Threads so far… What I like about it… It’s really easy to to sign […]
Let’s Get Reel
Let’s Get Reel Reels Instagram Reels took over the platform quickly. Users are seeing organic reach and engagement skyrocket with this feature, so it’s a no-brainer to hop on board. But it’s not as easy as it seems. If you’ve tried using reels, you’ll notice that there are tricks and trends that can make or […]